This course is 2 credit hours.
This course is designed to provide students with an overview of an individual’s personal mental image and how that perceived image permeates their self-esteem, character traits, strengths, weaknesses, abilities, physical features, and emotional outcomes during times of significant challenge. They will also study the dynamics of social interactions, singleness, and choosing a marital partner. Both personal image and self-esteem will be examined in relationship to a Biblical view of one’s worth, approval, competence and significance.
The second half of the term will introduce the student to part one of a study in Family Dynamics, which will include a broad understanding of pre-marital, marriage, and family systems. Parenting styles and skills, utilized with infants through young adults, will be presented and examined. The students will participate in role-playing to better conceptualize the issues and corresponding therapeutic techniques that are utilized in Biblical family counseling.