Randy Schlichting
B.S., M.A., M.Div., D.Min.
In the realm of the seminary, if Randy could only do one thing, he would be with students. He often says, “We exist to glorify God by helping students become Christ centered leaders to fulfill the great commandment as well as the great commission. That takes ‘time spent’ with people at the head, heart, and hand level as we pass on what the Lord has given us.” The Lord has gifted Randy in shepherding, leadership, and discernment. He has been used of God through his pride, stubbornness, and lack of humility. He is thankful to be the President of Metro Atlanta Seminary in this season.
Randy has been married to Dorothy for over forty-two years and they are blessed with three married daughters and seven grandchildren. All of them, and son-in laws, are in the faith, live in Atlanta and like each other. He and Dorothy are very thankful to God for that. He loves to dream dreams and see places. He loves to expose people to adventure. He has traveled to over 40 countries and lived in two in addition to the USA: Scotland and Saudi Arabia. He is a lifelong learner and has a passion to see people in the church continue to grow as Christians focusing on rich academics, mentoring of the heart and supervised field experiences. He leads groups to the Holy Land and other places that they can come alive to the Word of God. He has been on staff at Perimeter Church for almost twenty-seven years and he is active in Metro Atlanta Presbytery. He has written a few books. He is honored to work with the leadership team at Metro Atlanta Seminary and has high hopes for the future as the work expands.