Meet George

Meet George Vaughan.  Husband, father, businessman and an Elder in his church.  So why did he decide to pursue an M.Div. at MAS?  What impact has it had on his life?

“MAS revolutionized my understanding and love for the biblical narrative – Jesus from end-to-end.  How God moved heaven and earth, with exile and redemption, to accomplish his purposes, to redeem his elect, and bring glory to himself!”

George was an active Elder in the church, and taught a number of classes including Theological Foundations for Leaders.  He was a successful businessman.  Yet, when he heard about Metro Atlanta Seminary, he felt the Holy Spirit nudging him.  I longed for more, and MAS was certainly convenient and affordable.  The format allowed me to complete my Masters of Divinity while working full time.

It was a great experience and the relationships I built were part of my greatest joy.  Clearly I learned it is all about Jesus! 

George and his wife, Cathy, will soon be celebrating 40 years of marriage.  They have three boys, two daughters-in-law, and one daughter-in-law on the way.  In addition, they have one grandson and a granddaughter. 

“You must be dedicated to do the work, attend the classes, meet with your Mentor and do the Practicum!  The more you put in it the more you will get out of it”

Where does George go from here?  “I am in the latter stages of my work career.  Having received my degree and attaining Licensure in the PCA, I hope to take on a larger role in pastoral ministry when I retire.  For now, I just want to use the tools given me to come alongside people in discussing the truths of the scripture, whether it be evangelism, or helping students and other learners grow in the truth.”


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